Tuesday 15 February 2011

Yearbook Pitch

Below is the pdf of our final 3 board submission for the yearbook brief. We tried to make the concept as simple, direct and relavent to the course as possible. The first board immediately informs the viewer of the concept and relevence of this, to the courses yearbook.
With our concept being '3' it seemed almost natural to make the first board all about this concept, and how it can be put across all aspects of the design.

  • 3 Colour Palette
  • 3 Images (per student)
  • 3 Pieces of Work
  • 3 Column Grid
  • 3 Weights of Typeface
  • 3 Studio Spaces
Board 2 - Gives the viewer an idea of the layout and format of the yearbook, along with concepts in terms of the cover design, type layout and how the colour pallet is being used.

Board 3 - Allows the viewer to gain a better understanding of the typeface, colour pallet, stock choices and the media in which we will promote and advertise both the course and the exhibiton.

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