Sunday 6 February 2011

Creative Time Bank (Final Boards)

So these are the final series of design boards that we will be handing in to either Michael and / or Garry. Me and Boysie feel that our boards explain our concept in a good order and answers relevant questions a viewer may have.
The first board show the final resolution for the re-brand and how the identity can be adapted and spread, so that it works across different cities in the UK.
The second board goes on to talk about the colour pallets which would be used across the different cities (we gave 3 examples: Leeds, Manchester and Nottingham) This board also informs the viewer about a concept which involves an iphone app which could be used to record the exchange of time between professionals.
The third board briefly explains the credit system we have developed. When we attended the briefing, it became clear to myself and Boysie that the client was not a designer, and had no real direction in which he wanted this brief to be taken. It was a very vague and brief discussion on what he wanted produced. However myself and Boysie redesigned the system which was currently in place (with around 20 users) so that it was clearer to understand, easier to follow and sign on to. Our credit system was designed and focused around the digital side of the industry, however we designed a set of credits (which spelt creative) that would be issued out to new members of the time bank. These physical credits could be used however each individual member wanted, because our system was directed at registering time via a network, which would work in simular ways to facebook (being a networking system)
The forth board is simply there to instruct our client on how the physical credit system works, and how accesable this is to new members, and how it could be used around the country with a mix of credits which originate from certain locations (cities)

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