Monday 28 February 2011

Yearbook - Contents SPS's

Below is the issuu document which shows the development of the contents spread page. In our last group meeting we were asked to produce a SPS and a DPS for the contents pages, however i feel that the contents list should not be spread across a double page and just kept to a single page. Through the issuu document below you will see my development with the type face, colour pallet and use of the grid system.
Throughout the development, i found the small details in the design made all the difference, for example the spreads where i have changed the colour of the page numbers, to stand apart from the student names, quotes and visiting professional pages.
I also found that the layout of the Contents menu was essential, i have tried to keep an ongoing theme to all my spreads, which you can see i have kept to in these spreads. Although i found that having the 'Contents' vertical to the rest of the type works really well and would be a great opening page to the yearbook.

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