Saturday 5 February 2011

Yearbook (Initial Cover Concepts) 2

After a talk with the team and some research into publication which are based around numbers, i went back to the design board and started producing the pieces below.
We wanted the '3' to be the main focus of the yearbook, and for the other details to be legiable but not to take the attention and main focus of the viewer.
The covers below are all experimenting with colour, format and type. From these designs, at this point it became obvious to the team that using black was a bad idea, both for costing and for legiability and bleed of the ink once printed. The spine is the only area we could think of using the black, this way it does not draw away attention, however on a book shelf it would stand out with the orange type.

Details which must be on the covers include:

  • Year Group
  • Course
  • University

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