Saturday 29 January 2011

Time Bank (Current Webite)

After the briefing. Both myself and Peter immediatley set to work, researching existing Time Banks around the UK. Obviously we started with the Leeds branch. Upon logging on to the website, we found it wasn't really very 'creative.'
The website is actually a blog ( This is not a good first impression to myself, it should be bold and creative, to stand out to the target audience of designers, who really want to see design.
The logo is a limited colour pallet design, which uses a basic sans-serif typeface. The colour choices are not brilliant either. The yellow drowns out the 'Time Bank' and when looking at the logo, its the black type which draws my attention.
As for the layout, its a very simple straight forward blog design. I feel the colour are just too much and i immediately think of a holiday website, or a cleaning product.
It is fair to say however, that the website is very informative. There is all you need to know on this site, and its been very well put together and pitched across to potential members. At this point though, i feel it could be organised a bit more direct and effectively. Below are some screen shots from the site, so you can get a better understanding of what i mean.

Now i have researched this existing site, i will look into other Time Banks that exist around the UK, and how they have branded and promoted themselves.

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