Wednesday 19 January 2011

(Design By) Music (LDN Design Festival)

With a love for cycling, especially BMX i took immediate liking to the concept behind this brief. As stated on the previous blog, i plan on writing and producing several day brief, which include t-shirt design, posters, etc.

The below example:

"Music were one of 30 agencies invited by Grafik magazine to design a poster celebrating
an Olympic sport for an exhibition which was part of London Design Festival. We designed
a poster for BMX, and enlisted the help of 3 young members of Manchester BMX Club and
their coach Sam Foakes (former World No.1 Flatland BMX Champion) to help us ‘make’
the posters. Olympic 2012 hopeful Shanaze Reade signed the limited edition posters.
All proceeds go to the British Paralympic Fund and the charity Right To Play."

Now im not saying im going to write and create a brief simular to this one, however i am looking at examples that could push my comfort zone in order to get better pieces for my portfolio.

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