Wednesday 9 March 2011

Yearbook - Mark Howe (Photography)

Another concept to include in one of our yearbook routes, was this centre spread which would feature every student on the GD course in 3rd year. The spread below (produced by Alex Walter) for the yearbook, demonstrates the concept very well. There are 44 students to be included and the example below shows 54 people. We feel this will be a unique spread for a yearbook - and because we are not having individual student pictures on each spread, this would be a perfect, fun balance.
Mark Howe is the photographer we have brought in to photograph both the student works, and this spread below (fingers crossed). Mark seemed very impressed with this concept and seemed excited to get started.
The following 2 images show some of Mark's portrait photography. He spoke about how he could include the concept of 3 in the photography side of yearbook, possibly by using 3 lights in the photo-shoot, and unseen but fundamental detail to the design which makes the concept that bit stronger.
Both myself and the rest of the team are looking forward to working with Mark, he was more than happy to share concepts and keep us thinking about how this publication will be seen by viewers who do not understand or know of the 3 concept.

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