Sunday 27 March 2011

Leeds Loves Creativity (Colour Pallet)

After finally getting to a stage with the type and the image as i want them. I had to experiment with the colour pallet. In the PDF sent out, they had a suggested colour pallet (which they had been using for the majority of their current identities). However in the PDF they said feel free to bring in your own colour pallet.
Below i have experimented with several colours. It is key to know, on a colour backdrop, the areas in black (including the type) will be white, minus the word 'Creativity). The colours below, although common work well with the design, and the blue inparticular, really lifts out.
The blue was a suggested tone, which i changed ever so slightly to make it brighter and less dull, because i wanted the piece to be bright and fun, much like the creative community.
Next stage - The final boards.

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