Thursday 7 April 2011

Shammix - Flyers and Posters

After experimenting with the type and layout of both the posters and the flyers, I finally found a good way for the posters and flyers to be read. I decided to promote Shammix from the start, making the logo the header and most important aspect of the evening.
I went with a bold typeface to keep viewers attention and for legiability at a smaller scale. So far im pleased with how these designs have come out, although I do not feel that they represent a 'Summer Rave' in terms of the colour pallet. I want to keep the colour minimal, for printing costs - plus I felt that black was to dark and heavey for the theme.

Below I have used a gradiant of blue and green. This is much more summary, and runs well with the theme of a summer rave. I also feel the colour pallet is more eye-catching and unique than a standard black and white flyer and poster.

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